All orders under quantities of 5 per item, will be subject to a 20% increase in price.
This increase will be determined by seller.Add $10.00 per plant under 2” to be machine dug. Fall orders on Black gum, Willow Oak, Sweet Gum, Crape Myrtle, Leyland Cypress, Birch, Redbuds, Rain Tree, Holly, and Magnolia are not guaranteed. It is better if these are dug in the spring. Park Grade material take 25% discount
Abelia | Althea | Azalea | Barberry | Beautyberry
Burning Bush | Chokeberry | Crape Myrtle | Dogwood
Elderberry | Forsythia | Hydrangea | Lilac | Magnolia
Spirea | Sweet Shrub | Viburnum | Weigela | Witchhazel
Arborvitae | Boxwood | Cedar | Hemlock | Holly
Juniper | Laurel | Nandina | Spruce | Yew | Yucca
Bald Cypress | Beech | Birch | Black Gum | Catalpa | Cedar
Cherry | Choke Cherry | Crabapple | Dogwood | Elm |
Fruiting Apple | Fruiting Pear | Gingko | Hawthorn Hemlock
Hornbeam | Linden | Locust | Magnolia | Maple | Nandina
Novelty Apple | Oak | Pear | Persimmon | Pine | Plane Tree
Plum | Poplar | Redbud | Serviceberry | Sourwood | Spirea
Sycamore | Sweet Gum | Walnut | White Fringe Tree | Willow
FERNS | Periwinkle | Trilliums | VINES | WILD FLOWERS
Terms & Conditions
TELEPHONE: Telephone orders must be confirmed by mail or fax.
BUSINESS HOURS: We are open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except during the Spring Digging Season when we are open from 8:00 a.m. to ? p.m. CST. Orders already dug may be picked up Saturday mornings. Not open on Sunday.
ORDER IN ADVANCE: To be sure of getting your plants at the desired time, please place your order well in advance. Spring orders should be placed no later than March 1 to insure delivery. No refunds on deposits on orders placed after April 15 - October 15
ZIP: When ordering please give us your Zip Code Number.
PRICES: Prices quoted here cancel all previous lists and are subject to change without notice. These prices apply only to nurserymen, landscapers, architects, garden centers, other retail & wholesale nurseries. To assist us in limiting wholesale prices to members of the trade, we request that you place your order on business letterhead stationery. Prices here are F.O.B. this nursery.
TERMS OF PAYMENT: 50% upon order. Balance to be paid by certified or cashier's check upon delivery of stock. NO POSTDATED CHECKS.CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR UNLOADING TRUCKS ON ARRIVAL.PLANTS NOT LISTED HERE: We have plants which are not listed in this catalog that would be of particular value to landscapers. We welcome your inquiry for materials to meet your specific needs.
DIGGING AND SHIPPING POLICY: No refunds on deposits made if plant has already been dug and ready to ship. Stock can be dug from the 15th day of October to the 15th day of April. Stock will be shipped by United Parcel Service, Motor Freight, Truck, or picked up by the customer. No B&B plants can be shipped by common carrier and nothing larger than a 4'-5' bareroot plant can be shipped by U.P.S.
CONDITIONS OF SALE: All orders are accepted on the condition that they shall be void if our crops are damaged by conditions beyond our control. All sales are made with the understanding that all plants become the customers property and the risk of loss will pass to the customer at the time of delivery. Also, all parties agree that the Chancery Court of Warren County, Tennessee shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any and all disputes arising out of this transaction.
CLAIMS AND LIABILITY: Upon receipt of our shipment you should examine and count all material. No claim will be honored unless it is made in writing on the Bill of Landing upon receipt of the shipment. We also require that you notify our Claims Department immediately by telephone before the delivery truck leaves your premises, otherwise claims will not be recognized. If any nursery stock sold by us is proved to be untrue to variety name under which it is sold, we hold ourselves in readiness, upon proper proof, to replace such stock or refund the original amount paid. It being further understood that we shall not be liable, under any circumstances, for any sum greater than the amount received by us for any goods sold, and we shall not be responsible for the life or productiveness of the stock we sell.
NOTICE: Stock Dug Between April 1st and October 15th MUST BE PAID IN FULL PRIOR TO DIGGING. Also Customer Will Take FULL RESPONSIBILITY For The Survival of Plant Material.