We look forward to hearing from you.!
Dry Shave Mountain Nursery
Tel: 931.692.3117
Fax: 931.692.3499
57 Dry Shave Rd
McMinnville, TN 37110

Anthony & Catrenias

Beth & Dusty

Travis & Kristy
Take I-75 to Knoxville, get on I-40 West to Cookeville exit. This should be the Hwy 111 exit. Travel Hwy 111 to Hwy 70 South. Go to 2nd caution light. (The 1st light is in Doyle) Take a left at 2nd caution light, go approximately 100 yards and take a left (Hwy 30).After you take a left onto Hwy 30, go approximately 100 yards and turn right onto Hwy 127. Go on 127 to a stop sign that crosses Hwy 8. Go straight at stop sign. After you cross Hwy 8, you will go a few miles to another stop sign. Be careful, this stop sign comes up on you before you know it. At this stop sign, turn left. This puts you on Hwy 56 South. Follow Hwy 56 South for approximately 10 to 12 miles and you will see our sign on the right. Turn right on Dry Shave Road, just past the sign. You will be looking at a brown house on the hill. Stay on the road in front of the house and go approx. 300 yards. The office is the brick building with a porch on it. There is a loading dock and a packing barn also.There’s a large graveled lot for you to pull in.
From Smithville, take Hwy 56 South. Go approximately 30 miles to McMinnville. Go to the 7th traffic light, (the 1st one is at McDonalds) and take a left. This keeps you on Hwy 56 South. Follow Hwy 56 South approximately 14 miles and you will see our sign on the right. Just past the sign is Dry Shave Road, turn right onto this road. You will be looking at a brown house on the hill. Stay on the road in front of the house. Go approx. 300 yards and you come to the office. It is the brick building on the right with a porch. There is also a loading dock and a packing barn.There’s a large graveled lot for you to pull in.
Take I-24 to Exit 111. Take Hwy. 55 East to McMinnville, (approx. 30 miles). Take 1st McMinnville Exit off the 4-Lane. (McMinnville-Business Exit 55 West) Come to 4-Way stop, go straight. Come to traffic light, take a right. Come to 2nd traffic light, go straight, cross the Frank G. Clement Bridge. Go approximately 1 mile to the 3rd traffic light, take a right. This puts you on Hwy 56 South. Follow Hwy 56 South approximately 14 miles and you will see our sign on the right. Just past the sign is Dry Shave Road, turn right. You will be looking at a brown house on the hill. Stay on the road in front of the house and go approx. 300 yards. The office is the brick building with a porch on it. There is a loading dock and a packing barn also.There’s a large graveled lot for you to pull in.